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Photography Tips for Beginners

Taking pictures is actually a camera, light, and make-up and is one of the best ways to record memories and tell stories. You may take photography as a hobby, creating memories or as a start to becoming a professional but as a start, your new camera and all the buttons and controls may feel awkward. I will not discourage you here because this article is for those who just want to understand some basic principles about photography, what it is and how it is put together.  I share my experience with you some tips  photography tips for beginners or apps and softwares.

Photography Tips for Beginners


Open and focus first, then frame your image A highlighted or short image is not appropriate, but a poorly edited image can still be saved. For this reason, you should always focus and expose the topic before editing the outline. This is something that often happens when you have large, dark lights in the same place. 

Always be ready 

Prepare yourself like a boy scout and stay ready to shoot. Most digital SLRs have instant start times, and it takes almost as much battery power to leave your camera on. Keep your camera in one of the automatic or automatic full of unexpected images before your article flies, pulls, or takes off. You can always go back to your favorite mode if you have time to adapt to the default theme. Sometimes you only have a second chance to take a good photo. 


Buy Information, Not Gears 

We live in a consumer-centered society, and for the most part, we love it. New cameras and lenses are being introduced every week. Each of them has new features and improvements. However, the hype around them may force you to buy more equipment than you need. What good is it to have these amazing tools if you don't know how to use them? Instead, invest the money you may have spent on the latest gadget in courses and books to improve your work. Learning new techniques will help you more than just getting a light lens. 

Enlighten us Literally word painting means light painting, so the importance of understanding this element should not surprise us. How light is applied to an image can be a determining factor in the quality of an image. Start by researching the origins of the camera click and continue learning about the signs of light. Once you have a general idea, put it all together and see how each situation 
affects your photos. 



Come closer 

As Robert Capa once said: "If your photos are not good enough, you are not close enough." Getting inside, rather than taking a few steps towards a topic, is one of the biggest mistakes made by beginners. While zooming may be mutually beneficial at times, it should not be your default solution. Approach will also allow you to see the topic in more detail and build deeper connections with them.

The Rule of Thirds

This rule helps to take eye-catching photos through one of the most effective design rules. If you want to take pictures with the "wow" feature built into them, the third rule, the secret of the design you need to help! To use the third rule, imagine four lines, two lying straight across the surface of the image and two looking up to form nine scenes. Some images will look great with a focus on location in the center of the center, but placing the center out of place in the intersection of the lines of thought often creates a more beautiful image. When inserting the image using the third rule The eyes roam independently. A picture created using a third rule is often pleasing to the eye. The simplest method is sometimes the best in digital photography, and you have to decide what needs to be shot, while not including anything distracting.
If possible, choose a clear layer - in other words, neutral colors and simple patterns. You want the eye to be drawn to the focus area of ??the image rather than the color combination or the strange structure in the background. This is especially important in a battle where the model is placed in the middle. 


Select the appropriate ISO 

The ISO setting determines how sensitive your camera is to lighting and how clean the grain of your image is. The ISO we choose depends on the situation - in the dark we need to press the ISO to a higher value, say anything from 400 - 3200 because this will make the camera sound louder in the light, then we can avoid blurring. On sunny days we can choose ISO 100 or Auto setting as we have a lot of light to work with.


Experiment with Shutter Speed 

Don’t be afraid to play with shutter speed to create exciting results. When taking time shooting at night, use a tripod and try to shoot at a shutter speed set for 4 seconds. You will see that the movement of the object is captured along with some simple tracks. If you choose a faster closing speed that means 1 / 250th of a second, the routes will not be long or bright; instead, he will release the action. Try shooting some songs with moving objects or backgrounds such as ocean waves, crowds of people traveling in cars, driving cars, at different shutter speeds to capture blurred movements or snapshots that release everything instantly at the same time. Whenever you use a slightly off speed to shut down the movement, it is important that the camera is adjusted to eliminate the camera's congestion.


Use priority setting mode 

Priority Priority gives you direct control of the softening, and consequently the 
depth of field (DOF). Large fast lenses, such as 50mm f / 1.4 and 85mm f / 1,2 give you the ability to select the largest apertures of shallow depth. This can help you to create those smooth creams, without the overpowering backgrounds that provide professional quality. Working with such a sharp band means you need to focus on focus - the whole picture will look soft if you don't focus too much on the eyes.

Photography Editing Apps and Software

There are many photography editing Apps  and Software are  available to look your photos better .Here some apps that i have used.

Apps for Photography
  • Adobe Photoshop Express
  • Snapseed
  • VSCO
  • TouchRetouch
  • Adobe Lightroom CC

Software for Photography
  • Lightroom
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Lightroom CC
  • Photoshop CC
  • Capture One Pro

That's all about Photography Tips for Beginners. If you have any questions please do let me know and i'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Until next time take care guys. Bye:)
